150/2, Shevchenka Blvd, Cherkasy
Weekdays 9:00-18:00Saturday 9:00-13:00

Sedation-dental treatment without fear and pain

Many people feel fear and discomfort at the mere mention of a dental office. This is one of the main reasons why people postpone their visit to the dentist. But delaying treatment can lead to a number of complications, and sometimes even to the loss of a tooth. Dentistry is developing every day, and professionals follow advanced techniques, use the best equipment for painless oral sanitation. Drug-induced sleep during dental treatment is an opportunity to overcome panic fear. In dental practice, this technique is widely used in clinics around the world, used for its intended purpose.
Sedation is a comfortable environment for the patient

One of the main tasks set by the dentist is to create the most comfortable conditions for the patient. Depending on the complexity of the performed manipulations, different types of anesthetics are prescribed. What is sedation? This is the introduction of the patient into a state of semi-sleep using nitrous oxide, which is not an analgesic, but gives a sense of peace and suppresses fear. This technology is widely used in pediatric dentistry, relieves the child from stress and fear.

Sedation in dentistry

This type of “sedative ” is used only when prescribed by a doctor. How does the substance work? A special device is attached to a bag and two cylinders with tubes: one receives oxygen, the second-nitrous oxide. The two gases are mixed in a bag and through a tube connected to it, the product enters the nasal mask, through which the person inhales it. The supply of ” laughing gas” is fully automated, and the dentist calculates the necessary dose, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the client. During the procedure, the amount and dose may be increased. In some cases, according to the doctor’s prescription, the drug is administered orally (in the form of tablets) and intravenously.

Sedation and anesthesia: differences between procedures

Depending on the complexity of the manipulations performed, the doctor may prescribe various types of anesthesia and painkillers.
Sedative anesthesia will help you overcome fear, emotional discomfort, and relax. While a person inhales ” laughing gas”, he feels calm and relaxed, is conscious, sees, hears and reacts to the actions of the doctor. Nitrous oxide does not bind to blood proteins and is completely removed from the body after two to three minutes (after removing the mask). It has only a minor analgesic effect.
Anesthesia is prescribed to restore the functionality of the entire dentition, manipulations with several teeth at once. It is used more often in children than in adults. The use of General anesthesia implies complete disconnection of muscle activity and consciousness, and the supply of oxygen is provided by means of an artificial lung ventilation device. No intramuscular administration of any means is required, it is enough to take a few breaths through the mask to sink into a physiological sleep. A person wakes up within 20 minutes after the end of the action of the substance used, it is recommended to leave the clinic after another 30-40 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to drive on this day.

Drug-induced sleep in dentistry

This technique is popular and is used in clinics around the world:

  • for complex tooth extraction;
  • for intolerance to local anesthetics and allergic reactions;
  • in case of panic fear;
  • to eliminate the gag reflex;
  • people with special physical abilities.

Anesthesia can be prescribed by the attending doctor after the patient has passed all the necessary tests. The use of an inert gas can have both indications and contraindications.
Sedation: side effects and contraindications

In some cases, sedative anesthesia is contraindicated:

  • children under three years of age;
  • people with ENT diseases and epilepsy;
  • pregnant;
  • if you are allergic to nitrogen and other substances;
  • after traumatic brain injuries.

The advantage of sedation is that there are no side effects – nausea, dizziness, so the patient feels well and rested. With intravenous administration, the residual effect of the drug lasts from half an hour to an hour.
Medication-induced sleep is used as one of the safest sedatives.